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Bembidion (Bembidionetolitzkya) ascendens K.Daniel, 1902
Family: Carabidae
Size: 7.3 mm (6.0 to 8.1 mm)
Origin: From France across southern central Europe, northern Italy, the Balkans to Anatolia
Biology: Lives montane to high montane on gravelly streams
Location: Germany, Bavaria, Upper Bavaria, Oberstdorf, Tiefenbach, Breitach valley, 850 m
leg.det. U.Schmidt, 12.VI.2005
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2022

  Bembidion ascendens   (big picture)

  Bembidion ascendens   (Flickr)

 Bembidion ascendens   (Wikimedia Commons)

Location List Coleoptera Germany Bavaria without Upper Franconia  (Google Drive)

Location List Carabidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)