Brachinus plagiatus
Reiche, 1868
Family: Carabidae
Size: 7.8 mm (6.0 to 9.0 mm)
Origin: From the western Mediterranean to the Middle East; from the Balkans to
Hungary and Slovakia
Biology: Loves warmth in sunny but moist places.
When harassed, a corrosive liquid squirts out of the rear end with a bang
Location: Iran, Rood-bar-Ghazvin, 1200 m
leg.det. H.J.Mager, 15.V.1970
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2024
Brachinus plagiatus (big)
Brachinus plagiatus (Flickr)
Brachinus plagiatus (Wikimedia Commons)
Location List Coleoptera Iran (Google Drive)
Locality List Carabidae Palaearctic Region (Google Drive)