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Dorcadion lineatocolle Kraatz, 1873
Family: Cerambycidae
Size: 11.7 mm
Distribution: North Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Albania and Serbia
Biology: The larvae develop in the soil and feed on the roots of grasses, the adults eat leaves and roots
Location: Albania, Korce, Boboshtice, 1035 m
leg H.Muehle, 22.IV.2018; det. Brandl, 2018
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2021

 Dorcadion lineatocolle  (enlarged)

Dorcadion lineatocolle  (Flickr)

Dorcadion lineatocolle  (Wikimedia Commons)

Location List Albania  (Google Drive)

Loaction List Cerambycidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)