Harpalus honestus (Duftschmid, 1812)
Family: Carabidae
Size: 9.2 mm (7.4 to 10.6 mm)
Distribution: Europe and Central Europe without
Biology: Colline to alpine, mostly to heat points
Location: Germany, Bavaria, Upper Franconia, Selbitz, Dietscha valley
leg.det. U.Schmidt, 18.VII.2007
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2024
Harpalus honestus (big)
Harpalus honestus (Flickr)
Harpalus honestus (Wikimedia Commons)
Location List Coleoptera Germany Upper Franconia without Staphylinidae (Google Drive)
Location List Carabidae Palaearctic Region (Google Drive)
tip of the penis (dorsal and lateral view)