Harpalus solitaris
Dejean,, 1829
Family: Carabidae
Size: 10.0 mm (8.0 to 10.6 mm)
Origin: From Eastern France and Belgium, south of the southern edge of the Alps,
across Central, Northern and Eastern Europe to Siberia
Biology: Lives From the plain up to 2600 m in forest-like biotopes and in open
Location: Switzerland, Tessin, Maggia valley, Gordevio, 800 m
leg.det. U.Schmidt, 8.IV.1982
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2024
Harpalus solitaris (big)
Harpalus solitaris (Flickr)
Harpalus solitaris (Wikimedia Commons)
Location List Coleoptera Switzerland (Google Drive)
Location List Carabidae Palaearctic Region (Google Drive)