Lathrobium fovulum Stephens, 1833
Family: Staphylinidae
Size: 7.5 mm (6.5 to 8.5 mm)
Distribution: Transpalaearctic, West Siberia to France
Ecology: In wetlands
Location: Germany, Bavaria, Upper Franconia, Selbitz, Doernthal
leg.det. U.Schmidt, 18.IV.1984
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2018
Lathrobium fovulum (enlarged)
Lathrobium fovulum (Flickr)
Lathrobium fovulum (Wikimedia Commons)
Lathrobium fovulum Stephens, 1833 Genital
Family: Staphylinidae
Description: Aedoeagus, 1.2 mm
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2018
Lathrobium fovulum
Lathrobium fovulum Genital (Wikimedia Commons)