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Freilandaufnahmen von mitteleuropäischen Käfern
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Freilandaufnahmen von mitteleuropäischen Käfern mit ausführlichen ökologischen Angaben
Fotos von hauptsächlich australischen Käfern, die in der Landwirtschaft eine Rolle spielen, teilweise in höchster Qualität mit vielen Informationen und Beschreibungen
Informationen über die Länder Afrikas mit vielen Links zu speziellen Themen; Link zu den afrikanischen Käfern in  "kaefer-der-welt.de"
Projekt zur Erforschung der Insektenfauna der Fließgewässer der philippinischen Insel Palawan; viele Links zu weiteren Forschungsergebnissen über  Wasserkäfer
ARKive - a unique collection of thousands of videos, images and fact-files illustrating the world`s species
Australien Region
Location List Carabidae Australian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Cerambycidae Australian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Lucanidae Australian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Scarabaeidae Australian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Tenebrionidae Australian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Coccinellidae Australian Region  (Google Drive)
  Ethiopian Region
Location List Anthicidae Ethiopian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Buprestidae Ethiopian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Carabidae Ethiopian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Cerambycidae Ethiopian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Chrysomelidae Ethiopian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Coccinellidae Ethiopian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Histeridae Ethiopian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Meloidae Ethiopian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Scarabaeidae Ethiopian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Staphylinidae Ethiopian Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Tenebrionidae Ethiopian Region  (Google Drive)
Oriental Region
Location List Anthicidae Oriental Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Carabidae Oriental Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Cerambycidae Oriental Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Chrysomelidae Oriental Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Dytiscidae Oriental Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Elateridae Oriental Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Heteroceridae Oriental Region (Google Drive)
Location List Hydraenidae Oriental Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Hydrophilidae Oriental Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Lycidae Oriental Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Scarabaeidae Oriental Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Staphylinidae Oriental Region  (Google Drive)
Neotropical Region
Location List Buprestidae Neotropical Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Elateridae Neotropical Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Carabidae Neotropical Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Chrysomelidae Neotropical Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Endomychidae Neotropical Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Geotruopidae Neotropical Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Lucanidae Neotropical Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Scarabaeidae Neotropical Region  (Google Drive)
Palaearctic Region
Location List Anthicidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Apionidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Bothrideridae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Buprestidae Palaearctic Region   (Google Drive)
Location List Cantharidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Carabidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Cerambycidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Cholevidae Palaearctic Region   (Google Drive)
Location List Chrysomelidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Ciidae Palaearctic Region   (Google Drive)
Location List Cleridae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Coccinellidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Colydiidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Corylophidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Cryptophagidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Cucujidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Curculionidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Dasytidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Dermestidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Dytiscidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Glaphyridae Palaearctic Region (Google Drive)
Location List Haliplidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Hydraenidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Hydrophilidae Palaearctic Region (Google Drive)
Location List Laemophloeidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Meloidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Microsporidae Palaearctic Region (Google Drive)
Location List Mordellidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Nitidulidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Phalacridae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Ptiliidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Scarabaeidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Scolytidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Scydmaenidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Silvanidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Staphylinidae Germany   (Google Drive)
Location List Staphylinidae Europe without Germany  (Google Drive)
Location List Trogossitidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)
Location List Countries
Location List Coleoptera Algeria  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Argentina  (Google Drive)
Location Lis Coleoptera Australia  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Austria  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Brazil  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Cameroon  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Chile  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera China  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Costa Rica  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Corsica  Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Cyprus  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Denmark  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Dominican Republic  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Dubai  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Egypt  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera England   (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera France  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Gambia  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Germany Bavaria without Upper Franconia  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Germany Upper Franconia without Staphylinidae  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Germany Upper Franconia Staphylinidae  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Germany Thuringia  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Greece   (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Hungary  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera India  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Indonesia  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Iran  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Italy  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Jordan  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Kazakhstan  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Kenya  (Googel Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Laos  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Madagascar  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Malaysia  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Mexico  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Morocco  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Myanmar  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Namibia  (Googel Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Nepal  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Netherlands  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Peru  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Philippines  (Googel Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Russia  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Senegal  (Googel Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Singapur  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera South Africa  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Spain  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Sri Lanka  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Switzerland  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Taiwan  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Tanzania  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Thailand  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Tunisia  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Turkey  (Google Drive)
 Location List Coleoptera Turkmenistan  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera United States  (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Vietnam   (Google Drive)
Location List Coleoptera Yugoslavia  (Google Drive)