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Negastrius pulchellus (Linné, 1761)
Family: Elateridae
Size: 5.4 mm (2.7 to 5.5 mm)
Origin: Europe to Siberia
Ecology: On sunny shores but also in dry places
Location: England, Pontrilas
leg.det. P.Harwood, 8.VI.1930
Coll. Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2016

Negastrius pulchellus  (Flickr)


Negastrius pulchellus (Linné, 1761)
Family: Elateridae
Size: 4,4 mm (2,7 to 5,5 mm)
Origin: Europe to Siberia
Ecology: to sandy shores but also in dry places
Location: England, Forres
leg.det. P.Harwood, 18.VI.1928
Coll. Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2016

Negastrius pulchellus  (Flickr)