Ochthebius bernhardi
Jaech and Delgado, 2008
Family: Hydraenidae
Size: 1.5 mm
Location: Hungary, Tiszacsege
leg. Renner, 11.VII.2001; det. A.Skale, 2009; Coll. A.Skale
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2019
Ochthebius berhardi (enlarged)
Ochthebius berhardi (Flickr)
Ochthebius berhardi (Wikimedia Common)
Ochthebius bernhardi
Jaech and Delgado, 2008 Genital
Family: Hydraenidae
Description: Aedoeagus, 0.32 mm
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2019
Ochthebius bernhardi (Flickr)
Ochthebius bernhardi (Wikimedia Commons)