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Poecilonota variolosa (Paykull, 1799)
Family: Buprestidae
Size: 18 mm (13 to 21 mm)
Origin: From Eastern Siberia to North Africa; In Central and Western Europe it avoids the Atlantic climate area
Biology: The larvae develop in the bast of poplar
Location: Greece, Chalchidiki, Pirgos Sani
leg. H.Muehle, 30.V.2014; det. H.Muehle, 2021
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2021

 Poecilonota variolosa  (enlarged)

Poecilonota variolosa   (Flickr)

Poecilonota variolosa  (Wikimedia Commons)

Location List Greece  (Google Drive)

Location List Buprestidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)