Ptilodactyla exotica Chapin, 1927 male
Family: Ptilodactylidae
Size: 3.7 mm
Distribution: South and Central America, introduced to Europe in greenhouses
with tropical plants
Location: England, Surrey, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
leg. 1908; pres. 1910 by H.Donisthorpe; det. D.J.Mann, 2002
Coll. Oxford Museum of Natural History
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2016
Ptilodactyla exotica (Flickr)
Ptilodactyla exotica Chapin, 1927 female
Family: Ptilodactylidae
Size: 5,0 mm
Distribution: South and Central America, introduced to Europe in greenhouses
with tropical plants
Location: England, Surrey, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
leg. det. D.J.Mann, 21.XII.2002
Coll. Oxford Museum of Natural History
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2011
Ptilodactyla exotica (Google+)
Ptilodactyla exotica (Flickr)